We will supply and fit all access doors for your system. The law and regulations state that on kitchen extracts there should be an access door cut every 3 metres on dry air ducting every 10 metres. This is to gain access to the ductwork for regular inspections and maintenance.
We service/maintain/clean and refurbish all air handling units to their original condition. We understand that these are a major cost to replace so we will do our utmost to maintain your units and refurbish them. Acces doors supplied and fitted at an additional charge. We also have good contacts within this sector and if we cant do it we will get another team in at no extra cost. All contracted by ourselves. No customer worry. Our services are 24/7 there is always a technician on duty you can call at any time.
For more information don't hesitate to Contact Us.
We offer a full deep clean of kitchen canopy 's. Our service for this as remarked by many customers is 'second to none'. We get every little corner and every hidden bend. The reason for a canopy clean is simple. This is the first point of call for any flammable grease deposits to hit. This will collect a tremendous amount of flammable ingredients to start your very own bonfire. Unfortunately we get calls to premises that have already had a fire and now need a new extract system. There's 4-6 thousand pounds down the drain and if you haven't got an up to date service it will be coming straight out of your pockets as your insurance will be void. A lot of canopies have to be cleaned from an internal prospective so your cleaning team may not of reached were is needed most.
Contact Us today before its too late.
We maintain and clean all ductwork. No matter what, if it has ducting we can meet your every need. We use top of the line equipment all approved and purchased through AEME who are at the very top of the air handling industry. We use all types and sizes of brushes and air movers to thoroughly deep clean your ductwork system. We also offer full sanitising of ductwork systems.
(This is where a machine called a fogger is placed inside the duct and produces a sterile fog that goes along all your internal ductwork and leaves it with a full sterile film covering your internal ducting.)
This will mainly be used by hospitals, theatres, hotels, spas, offices and retirement homes etc. Mainly on dry air duct work, it can be used on grease extract systems after a deep clean of that system has taken place.
For more information Contact Us today.
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We also service/test and install all fire dampners. This is a major part of your ductwork system as this will prevent the fire spreading to other parts of your building and will contain it in a place for you to make your evacuation.
Whether it be a bag, grill, mesh, 10ft or 2ft we replace and clean all filters and end ducting protector grills. These need more of a regular eye kept on them. These are major parts that can restrict air movement in a major way but are often forgot about or overlooked.
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Feel as though you haven't got what you paid for..?
Our inspections team will visit your site and inspect any work that has been carried out. We will provide you with a full written analysis, independent lab inspections and risk assessments, followed by a Pass/Fail report. We will also offer you a truly thorough follow up service to tr19 and British standards as you should have received previously.
For more information don't hesitate to Contact Us.